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EXCEL 同时显示公式及结果
爱读书aread.cc2022-10-03 23:30:09excle0人已围观
简介.爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 . 朋友们在工作中有时需要在不同的单元格同时显示公式及结果(存放公式的单元格为文本类型),一个比较好的方法就是利用宏表函数中的"EVALUATE" (None of these cells h
.爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 .
朋友们在工作中有时需要在不同的单元格同时显示公式及结果(存放公式的单元格为文本类型),一个比较好的方法就是利用宏表函数中的"EVALUATE" (None of these cells had an equal sign and as such the cells were seen as Text by Excel. The person wanted to leave the original cell contents intact and use Column B to return the result of the equations.we can get an answer by using an old Excel 4.0 Macro function called EVALUATE.)
1) Select cell B1
2) Go to Insert>Name>Define
3) Type the name Result (can be any valid range name)
4) In the Refers to: box type: =EVALUATE($A1)
5) Click Add then OK.
1) Select cell B1
2) Go to Insert>Name>Define
3) Type the name Result (can be any valid range name)
4) In the Refers to: box type: =EVALUATE($A1)
5) Click Add then OK.
很赞哦! ()
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