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EXCEL 打印时忽略图片、图表等对象的方法
爱读书aread.cc2022-10-02 22:28:01excle0人已围观
简介爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 . To prevent objects from being printed:
Technique 1:方法一
1. From the File menu, select Page Setup.
2. Select the Sheet tab.
3. In Print, select the Draft quality
Technique 1:方法一
1. From the File menu, select Page Setup.
2. Select the Sheet tab.
3. In Print, select the Draft quality checkbox, and then click OK.
Technique 2:方法二
1. Right-click the object (Button, Combo Box and more), and select Format Control.(右键单击对象,选择设置**格式[控件,图片等]
2. Select the Properties tab.
3. Deselect the Print object checkbox, and then click OK.
Technique 3:方法三
Objects make printing slower, so you may want to temporarily hide them before printing.
1. Press Ctrl+6+6 to hide objects in the sheets.
2. After printing, press Ctrl+6 to unhide the objects in the sheet.
很赞哦! ()
上一篇:EXCEL 快速添加图表数据
EXCEL 求选定区域内不重复数据的个数
.爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 . Counting number of unique entries in a specified range. By using SUMPRODUCT along with COUNT to count only the number of unique entries in a specified range. T -
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爱读书aread.cc原创,转载请保留此信息 . 单元格中的数据按一定方式排序后,序号列的次序会随之打乱,可以利用一个公式解决这个问题。 序号列每一个单元格输入=row()-1(是否减1,要根据序号与行号的关系进行简单判断) -
EXCEL 插入水印
爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 . To insert the text "Confidential" behind the data in a Financial Statements report: 1. Select one of the toolbars, right-click, and select the WordArt toolbar fro -
EXCEL 斜向标题的制作
.爱读书aread.cc原创,转载请保留此信息. 朋友们有时在一张EXCEL表中会发现标题行单元格是倾斜显示的,下面我告诉大家制作过程
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