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EXCEL 改变批注外形

爱读书aread.cc2022-10-02 22:27:59excle0人已围观

简介爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 . To change the Comment shape:
1. Select the cell containing the Comment and press Shift+F2 to edit the cell Comment or press Shift+F10 (or right-click) and select S

爱读书aread.cc翻译,转载请保留此信息 .
To change the Comment shape:
1. Select the cell containing the Comment and press Shift+F2 to edit the cell Comment or press Shift+F10 (or right-click) and select Show Comment from the shortcut menu.
2. Select the edge of the Comment so that it is surrounded by dots, not slashes.
3. From the Drawing toolbar, click Draw, select Change AutoShape, and then select any shape.



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